This page gives instructions on how to set up the Andino Gateway. For a general overview and information on the Andino Gateway, refer to the Andino Gateway Overview

The automatic installation using install scripts is not yet available since Andinopy is not yet supported on the Andino Gateway. A future update to the install script that allows it to be used with the Andino Gateway is, however, already planned.

Before starting with the installation, you need to have an installation of Raspberry Pi OS already running on the Raspberry Pi. Here, Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye is supported in both 32 and 64 bit. Raspberry Pi OS Buster will likely still work, however it is not officially supported anymore. If you need documentation on how to flash the firmware to an SD card, you can follow this official Raspberry Pi documentation. Make sure to create a user account and enable SSH in the advanced options of the Raspberry Pi Imager.

First, append the following lines to the /boot/config.txt:

# SPI on

# I2C on


# CAN on SPI 0.0

# 1. UART

# 2. SPI-UART on SPI 0.1

Add the following to /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf


Disable console on Serial0:

cut -d ' ' -f 3- < /boot/cmdline.txt | sudo tee /boot/cmdline.txt

Set Up RTC:

sudo apt-get install -y i2c-tools
sudo apt-get purge -y fake-hwclock
sudo apt-get remove fake-hwclock -y 
sudo dpkg --purge fake-hwclock 
sudo rm -f /etc/adjtime.
sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime
sudo ln -s /home/pi/bin/ /etc/cron.hourly/ntp2hwclock

Node-Red can simply be installed by running the following two commands:

bash <(curl -sL --confirm-install --confirm-pi
sudo systemctl enable nodered.service

Since Andinopy is not yet supported on the Andino Gateway, the OLED display can be via a custom python script that we provide for download on Github. The script provides an example printing out system uptime, the IP address and some more system information. You are free to customize the example and reuse it for your own projects.

If you want to download the example script and/or run it automatically on startup, run the following commands. First download the script:

wget ''

Then, make sure that all prerequisites are present on your system:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install luma.core
sudo pip3 install luma.oled

You can now run the script manually by executing:

sudo python3

If you want to run the script on startup, add it to the rc.local script on the Raspberry Pi:

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Here, add the following line directly before the exit 0 line:

python3 /home/[userdir]/

Replace [userdir] with the name of your user.

For the 2G modem, please refer to our documentation for:

For the 4G modem, please refer to our documentation for: